Benefit from our intimate knowledge of the cultures and behaviours across Africa?


Moving to a new country can be hectic, time consuming and poses many challenges. The experience can be very rewarding for the expatriate family who has made all the right preparations. For the unwary and unprepared, it can be an unpleasant experience. Our country-specific cultural awareness training programs are designed to help you acquire tools necessary for effective interaction. We will help you gain a realistic view of what to expect and how to manage these cultural differences. We will help you find your way and feel at home quickly.

This training program typically includes the following aspects:

  • Country profile (geography, history, social structures)
  • Challenges of moving abroad, culture shock and how to deal with exposure to new cultural experiences
  • Understand how values, behaviors, and attitudes – both your own and those of your host country – are revealed in daily life and work.
  • Building relationships, making friends and creating a support network
  • Communication styles
  • Business and social etiquette & protocol 


In today's global business marketplace, the ability to communicate effectively and multiculturally cannot be underestimated. The success of international trade depends on the smooth interaction of employess from different cultures and regions, but clashes as a result of cultural differences often frustrates communication, continuity and trust.

This programme will help you learn and master those skills necessary for effective communication with culturally diverse partners, or in cross-cultural settings.

Program Objectives

  • Gain practical knowledge of important business protocols, etiquette and faux pas.
  • Develop methods to adapt your communication and work styles for enhanced effectiveness and productivity.
  • Understand the potential impact your own cultural assumptions and behaviors have on your business.


Managing effectively across national and cultural boundaries is critical to the success of today's organisations. Global leaders who need to build the capabilities to lead across national and cultural boundaries, must develop a keen awareness and a high degree of cross-cultural competence.

Our management programmes are designed to help managers develop the necessary skills and competencies for effective leadership in a global environment.

We will help you understand the local culture you are working in, so as to be able to adapt your strategy and management style to local expectations and customs.

Program Objectives

  • Become a more competent and confident executive.
  • Become more culturally aware of the ways in which your culture influences your perception of other culture.
  • Become more flexible, adaptable and empathetic in your behaviour.
  • Learn to apply the right management style and behaviour in a wide range of cross-cultural and virtual team contexts.
  • Learn how to manage conflicts in different cultural settings.

Culture Coaching

Do you want to strengthen relations with (new) business partners or maybe you already live and work abroad, but are having challenges managing specific cultural issues? Our culture coaching sessions are designed to help you manage those challenging situations where cultural differences are the cause!  

Program Objectives

  • Overcome the feelings of being powerless and disconnected.
  • Identify your cultural blueprint and how it compares to the blueprint of the other.
  • Identify specific cultural challenges and issues.
  • Define practical strategies and action-plans for managing the issues.

Public speaking

Are you organising a congress, a management team meeting or a company day out where culture is a theme? Are you in need of more inspiration and motivation during these company events?

Sheriff Aligbeh is the experienced, enthusiatic and high-energy culture speaker you are looking for. His interactive, full of humour sessions, will help your management team and employees step out of the day to day routine, feeling motivated, inspired and full of new perspectives about culture. 

Topics include

  • African Cultural Orientation, Protocol and Etiquette
  • Doing Business "Cross-Culturally" in Africa 
  • Cross-Cultural Management in Africa